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my secret garden pdf free download

My Secret Garden is a book written by Nancy Friday and this book is about the sexual fantasies of women. A thing which is very important to be mentioned is, this book is some normal adult book which is written for seduction. Instead, the book is written against the misconceptions about women having sexual fantasies. The book was written by the author, Nancy Friday, interviewed different women including her friends and other strange women and asked them about their sexual experiences. Most part of the book has sexual fantasies of the women with their name and the complete story. The another part of the book contains sexual fantasies of different women without the mention of any name and stuff. In this article, you are going to read about the author, my Secret Garden review, and the complete summary of the book. So let's begin with the task.

my secret garden pdf

Nancy Friday was born in Pittsburgh, American on 27th August 1933. She is a writer and most of her work is one the liberation of women and also the female sexuality. Her book which got her very famous is the one we are talking about today. My Secret Garden received huge critical acclaim as well as criticism from the reading circles. Nancy has also been involved in many social activities talking about the liberation, female sexuality, and rights of the women. She has also talked a lot about the idea of womanhood and said that this idea is too outdated to have in this world. The women should stand right beside men in all the matters. This book, My Secret Garden, however, talks about the female sexuality and it contains the sexual desires of women which are just like men think of them.

My Secret Garden Review:

My take on this book is quite different than the most of the readers out there. The message within the book needs to be taken seriously. This effort was not made by Friday to tell people of the sexual fantasies of the women and seduce them. Instead, she worked so hard and wrote these experiences to let men know that women are just like them. They do have the same fantasies like men have about sex and their pleasures. The feelings and fantasies of women about sex should not be mocked and should be taken just as normal as they are. Women are being raped and abused and when they talk about it, people take it as a joke and nothing serious is done about that. Once you start reading this book, you are going to know more but only if you have got an open mind.

My Secret Garden Summary:

The book starts with the first chapter where the writer is telling about the power of fantasies. She explains that how people when alone, think of different things and these thoughts turn into desire. When these thoughts is sexual, it becomes very difficult for men and women to handle them and get them pass successfully. The sex is the basic need for a person and when you don't get it, it turns to frustration and insufficiency. The 2nd chapter of the book is about different sexual terms including lesbians, daydreams, masturbation, sexual initiative, foreplay, approval, and exploration. These are the different terms in sex and writers explains them and tells that how all of them their part. All these fantasies make it any human being to have control over itself. If you read it with an open mind, you are going to understand how this affects people.

The 3rd chapter of the book is about the things which women think while having their sexual fantasies. The topic in this chapter includes rape, pain and masochism, domination, the sexuality of terror, the thrill of forbidden, incest, the zoo, black men, young boys, and prostitution. These are all the things which women think of while having their sexual fantasies. It is not something which is overstated but everything is written in this book but everything comes from the real experience of women. Then comes the 4th chapter in which Nancy Friday talks about different sources from which all these fantasies come from. They hear it from other women when they are growing up, they learn it from media and the internet, and that is now every girl grows up. It is a combination of so many factors, which result in the sexual fantasies of women.

Download My Secret Garden Pdf Free:

Once you will start reading this book, you are going to face a whole new reality. Every person whether men or women can get this book and it may help in the betterment of society. And this is all from this article on My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday. If you liked this post then don't forget to leave us your feedback. Click the link below to download the free My Secret Garden Pdf and keep visiting our website for more books.


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